

Tikkun Adar II 5774

To the Esteemed Members of the Chevra Kadisha of South Florida,

We are re-establishing our Minhag of focusing on one Tikkun, one enhancement each month, relating to our experiences as Metaharim and Metaharos, the Tahara process itself, or our role in elevating the dignity of the deceased in general.


Before each Tahara spend one minute to think about these 2 things (30 seconds for each):

1) The person we are about to give kavod (honor) to is created in the image of Hashem, and is also a member of the Am HaNivchar (the chosen nation) about whom it is written, “Banim Atem LaHashem Elokeichem” (“Your are children to Hashem,your G-d”), and is deserving of kavod given to a member of the royal family of Klal Yisroel (the Jewish Nation). You might take 5-10 seconds more to look around and realize the other metaharim, are in the same category.

2) Based on the RM”A in Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 339:4), it is a mitzvah to be present when the neshama (the soul) leaves the body, so that we can be sensitized to our own mortality and gain the proper perspective on life. This is a zchus (a merit) for the person who died and is therefore another act of chesed (kindness) we can do. Similarly, when we are performing a tahara, we can take this lesson to heart and it is a zchus for the niftar (deceased). Therefore, be thankful for life.

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